Refund & Returns Policy


Curing Mind offers services for a fee. You will be eligible for a refund as per the policy below. 

Please note that our policies differ between subscription payments and one-time payments and that payment options may vary from one offering to another. Please also note that we treat violations of our Terms of Use very seriously, and we have no obligation to offer refunds to users who violate these or other Curing Mind policies, even if their requests are made within the designated refund period.

To Request a Refund please reach out to refund@CuringMind.Com


You are eligible for a refund if (Note that following are the exclusive eligibility criteria for refund eligibility):

  1. For Expert Services, if the Expert has not turned up to provide the services, and you request for a refund within forty-eight (48) hours since the time your Expert Service was supposed to start. 
  2. If you cancel your Expert Services at least twenty (24) hours from the start of your scheduled services.
  3. For subscription and non-expert services, within thirty (30) minutes of receiving chat services, where thirty (30) minutes will start from the time you start using subscription services. You can cancel and request for refund in such cases, where the service is not upto industry standards, provided you cancel and request for refund within the time period mentioned above this section 3. However, if you do not start using the Services within the first one (1) hour from the start of subscription, then you will not be eligible for a refund, as per this clause 3.  

Note that you are not eligible for a refund if (Note that following are a list of non-exclusive criteria for rejection of refund claim)-

  1. For subscription and non-expert services, if it is more than thirty (30) minutes from the start of the subscription period; 
  2. If you do not show up for an Expert Session for whatever reason, including but not limited to personal commitment or exigencies, and non-accessiblity of the platform due to internet of other technical issues at your or your third party provider’s end; 
  3. If a new Helper is assigned for your chat services; and
  4. For any reason, not stated in the eligibility criteria. 

Refund Process

You will raise a refund request at refund@CuringMind.Com, stating the exact reasons, and providing sufficient proof behind those reasons. Once you raise a request for refund, Curing Mind will respond to the request within three (3) working days from the date the claim was raised. Curing Mind will resolve the request within fifteen working days from the date of Curing Mind’s response on the claim, based on the refund eligibility criteria and the proofs that you have provided. If Curing Mind finds that you are eligible for a refund, Curing Mind shall refund such amounts within seven (7) working days from the date of resolution. Curing Mind may seek further information from you for proper and judicious resolution of the request. Your cooperation is requested for proper and timely resolution of such requests. The above timelines are dependent on your timely response to any such requests. 

Returns Process

All the physically delivered products are non-returnable and non-refundable.

Note: The Refund & Returns Policy may be updated from time to time. It is advisable to check the refund policy before subscribing to the services.

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